CapturePoint Oklahoma Carbon Hub

Osage and Kay Counties, Oklahoma

Oklahoma Carbon Hub Map

CapturePoint’s Oklahoma Carbon Hub is the world’s first operational multi-modal carbon management site, hosting a unique array of Carbon Capture, Utilization and Sequestration (CCUS) services and placing the State of Oklahoma at the leading edge of responsible carbon solutions.

  • Industrial CO2 Capture: Up to 750,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide are captured annually from the production of ammonia fertilizer at CVR Partners’ Coffeyville Resources Nitrogen Fertilizer (CRNF) plant in Coffeyville, Kansas.
  • America’s Largest Direct Air Capture (DAC) Facility: Heimdal constructed their Project Bantam DAC facility on-site at the Oklahoma Carbon Hub, which could capture more than 5,000 metric tons of CO2 annually from the atmosphere when operating at full capacity.
  • CO2 Captured from the Manufacture of Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF): Azure, which is developing an SAF bio-production plant in Cherryvale, Kansas, has announced CapturePoint will transport CO2 emissions for sequestration in the Oklahoma Carbon Hub. (Future)
  • Transportation by CO2 Pipeline: CapturePoint operates a 68-mile dedicated CO2 pipeline connecting Coffeyville, Kansas to the Oklahoma Carbon Hub. A future extension is planned from Coffeyville 20 miles north to the planned Azure SAF bio-production plant in Cherryvale, Kansas.
  • Extensive CO2-EOR Operations: CapturePoint conducts Carbon Dioxide Enhanced Oil Recovery (CO2-EOR) production in 23,500 acres of the historic North Burbank Unit in Osage County — where the company also owns ~6,900 acres of the surface lands — with over 80 Class II CO2 injection wells (as well as more than 45 Class II water injection wells) currently active. 
  • Regional Deep Underground Carbon Storage Hub (Planned): CPS has filed permit applications with the EPA for Class VI deep underground injection wells in Osage and/or Kay Counties and has contracted rights to an additional 10,000 acres of CO2 storage space in the two counties for the expansion of the Oklahoma Carbon Hub with a deep underground permanent sequestration site.
  • CO2 Storage: Currently, up to 750,000 metric tons of CO2 are utilized annually in CO2-EOR operations. By 2030, the potential expansion of new carbon solutions at the CapturePoint Oklahoma Carbon Hub could sequester up to 2 to 4 million metric tons or more of CO2 annually.